the third of our little chicks (the tattooed one) fled the nest today (for a mere 2.5 hours). hampton thoroughly enjoyed her first day of pre-kindergarten with mrs. patti, mrs. laura & mrs. gretchen at chapel hill. she was reluctant at first to allow me to walk her in, as she is now the big 5 year old. thankfully, upon reaching the parking lot, she decided that my accompanying her was approved. after a hug and kiss at the door, hampton made her way into the large classroom of little soon to be friends...ready to begin her new adventure. these are the things i'll reminisce upon today...
1) the way you tell me "i love you like 100" and that i am your "best friend ever"
2) your uncanny way of belting out every song you hear, whether you know it or not
3) your fervent desire to demand the proper song, movie, temperature, volume, gum, game & companion before our car even departs the driveway
4) your immediate desire to pray whenever you hear a siren
5) the way you become skittish around cute boys...and hide behind me
6) the way you say you are "firsty for lemonade," that you are scared of "bosquitos" and that you are excited to take your new "pack-pack" to school
7) the feeling of your sweet hand reaching for mine
8) your idea of me "playing with my friends at the grocery store," while you play with yours at school
9) you unique sense of style and steadfast obsession to "look cute"
10) your cute button nose and dimple laden smile, in addition to your keen ability to "get more kisses" if need be
1 comment:
oh my goodness! tears are falling as i read these sweet posts about all of your wonderful kiddos. they are nothing short of precious and are treasures in each and every way. what a blessing to be their aunt and to watch them grow along with you. hugs and love to all! muah!
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