hooray for coleman! since he learned all of his multiplication facts, coleman was able to receive every topping at the sundae party...all the way down to the sprinkles! hampton had fun too (as always)...with siblings her age...and fun on the cool playground too! what a fun celebration, as always! so proud of you cole-man!
so, this is the story...coleman was invited (along with two other boys) to perform in the martin elementary talent show this year. he was sooo excited to tell me all about it in the beginning! his other friends decided not to participate, yet coleman put forth the extra effort to do what he could to "support" the girls. this was done via silly ad lib dance moves. the performance was taped, and i managed to catch a quick pic upon completion of the talent show entry video! they all did great...and i am so proud of coleman for sticking with it! c-man LOVES to be silly...and he was just that!
since hampton's birthday is in august, and because every other student in her preschool class had celebrated their birthdays...we enjoyed an early celebration at school. hampton chose bagels and cream cheese, grapes and pink lemonade for her special snack. she was also able to share an "about me" bag, including some of her favorites...her pink blankie, high school musical 2 movie, princess nightlight, pinkalicious book, baby pics and family pics. hampton was so excited, and so proud to share the contents of her special bag. what a treat it was to be there! each student was sent home with a balloon (to send to jesus), and bag of goodies...all per the birthday girl's request! can't wait to celebrate the big 5!
i am the proud mother of three beautiful gifts from heaven (austin 12, coleman 7, and hampton 3). i am happy to be a "stay at home" mom, though i rarely stay at home!
thanks to my wonderful husband, garry (who by the way is "super dad") and his hard work within the ethanol industry, i am gradually, & proudly, trying to "go green!"
since i am so fortunate to have this extraordinary opportunity to help raise our children, i am happy to do whatever i can to make this world even more beautiful for them! i have been blessed beyond measure!