coleman and hampton both enjoyed classroom feasts in celebration of are a few pics of them enjoying the holiday with friends. we enjoyed a wonderful thanksgiving at the morris home in el dorado...with the entire morris clan (cousins and all). it was awesome to spend the day with everyone, before venturing out early the following morning (2.30 am to be exact), for black friday shopping. fun, fun, fun!
i am the proud mother of three beautiful gifts from heaven (austin 12, coleman 7, and hampton 3). i am happy to be a "stay at home" mom, though i rarely stay at home!
thanks to my wonderful husband, garry (who by the way is "super dad") and his hard work within the ethanol industry, i am gradually, & proudly, trying to "go green!"
since i am so fortunate to have this extraordinary opportunity to help raise our children, i am happy to do whatever i can to make this world even more beautiful for them! i have been blessed beyond measure!