a couple of pics of my sweet, YOUNGER cousin, sarah, her husband nic, 3 year old son cooper, and her newest son (now two weeks old), parker. since friday, sarah has endured more than any 30 year old person should. after two trips to the er, she was sent by ambulance to via christi st. francis, to be evaluated and treated by the best in the state. after continual vomitting, and excruciating headaches, they realized something was REALLY wrong. as of today, sarah remains in neuro critical icu, following two strokes. as of tonight, praise GOD, she is able to speak, but is still having great difficulty with her vision. according to the docs, she will remain in ncicu for the next two weeks on blood thinners, before transferring to a regular icu room. thanks to the prayers of many, sarah seems to be turning a corner. please continue to pray that she makes a full recovery!
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