Friday, June 12, 2009

snippity snip

today was the day...age 3 years, 9 months...for hampton's first haircut. the "cut" was essentially a tail snip from the back, but a memorable event nonetheless! she sat completely still and thoroughly enjoyed the pampering, relishing in the ooo's and ahhh's by those who passed by her chair! priceless! she was able to select a ringpop once her appointment was complete, and boldly took 3 ring pops...of course, to thoughtfully include her two brothers who were absent for the "event!" while austin and dad spent the day out of town for a basketball tourney and coleman celebrated a friend's birthday, the girls shared a special day together. after the first haircut at "fringe," we ventured to lunch, where i will forever remember receiving a frequent thumbs up by hampton, as she savored her mac-n-cheese. she kept asking why i laughed every time she did it, because she was "not trying to be funny!" it totally cracked me up! we then headed to the library to check out a few books, before hanging out for the afternoon with friends ali and kiley. what a fun girly day! she crashed at 6.30 for a late nap, and has recently awakened. should make for a fun evening! oh well, dad should be home soon!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

here fishy fishy

hampton runs full speed to greet daddy when he gets home from work each day...and usually with a request to walk, swing, chalk, or swim. today, she had different plans. fishing. hampton greeted him with pole in one hand, grabbing his hand with the other, to lead him to the lake behind our house. unfortunately, the fish weren't biting this evening. she came inside to tell me that we could fish again tomorrow. little does she know, i don't fish. my luck, she would catch one, and i would have to pull it off the line. eek! thinking this will be purely a father & daughter experience.

soakin' up the sun

we have been enjoying much fun in the sun with pool time nearly everyday since school concluded. it is wonderful to be without the early morning hustle and bustle, but rather, the occasional basketball practice, and choice of pool or movie time, which is predicted by the weather. austin joins in the fun when he is at home, but would honestly rather be playing basketball. coleman typically has a friend to swim and play games with, and happily snacks all day. hampton has become quite the little fish as she is finally able to swim floatie-free (with close watch), in addition to the fish out of water poses. wishing you many sunny summer days!