Friday, September 12, 2008

wii winner in the house

coleman has officially captured the title of paper racers champion, granted it has taken a lot of practice! rainy days are good for this! he's off to practice dodge ball now! as of sunday night, coleman is the "king of the playground,"as he has won every single game!

singin' in the rain

since the rain refuses to subside, i decided i couldn't resist hampton's requests to sing and dance in the rain with her umbrella! it was red day at school... and her favorite song of the day goes something like this..."i love the flag, the 'merican flag...the red & the blue & the white!" by the way, she is loving preschool!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

weeds & wildflowers

what a delightful time we had amidst the roadside weeds and wildflowers of kansas! my sister, jen and niece evie, joined in the fun, as i had a wild hair to take christmas card photos today... perhaps the most beautiful day of the year! these photos are a mere sampling of the 200+ i took. the best are yet to come at christmas! we giggled the entire time, as the wild sunflowers dripped gooey stuff, the bees swarmed & the itching began. it will be a true miracle if none of us develops poison ivy, for i am quite certain it was present. happy, happy fall to all!

Monday, September 8, 2008

hampton's first day of preschool

hampton was thrilled about her first day at eastminster preschool! she hopped out of the car to mrs. lisa, without any hint of the jitters. the kiss she blew to mommy as she walked in, drew a few tears, i must say!
what a fun day she had a preschool, she recalled it this way..."i had a snack, i ate crackers and i had apples, we smelled the apples. we played on the playground, it was really fun, we played inside, i have a really fun time...did you have a good day? i missed you, but you comed back! thanks mom! i really liked spreschool! i'm so big now! i go back there next time, k?!"
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Sunday, September 7, 2008

are you ready for some football?

go falcons, go! hampton all decked out to cheer for austin's first football game of the season in el dorado, against the el dorado cats...he did awesome! the andover falcons won 12-0! the weather was typical of the football, drizzly, muddy...but still lots of fun! go falcons, go!

austin did fantastic...made some big plays! go austin go! loved hearing your name over the loudspeakers!

fit right in
with the falcons
cheer squad,
despite a few
seconds of
the shy factor!

so proud of my "austi" andover falcons #11!

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